Well, I told you this would finally be posted. And it only took several months. Argh, I need to get the internet set up on my computer, and quick!
R.I.P., Terry. May I one day be able to forget-
--Those who believed that the persons "for life" were comparable to the Taliban.
--Those who believed that placing suspicious packages outside courtrooms could influence a judicial decision (regardless of what it was).
--The Judges who repeatedly refused to re-insert Terry's tube, because it wasn't "constitutional"
--The liberal media who used their tarnished clout to contort the truth and then air their political stance to all their viewers.
Until then, all I remember the best are
--Those who rallied outside your room in favor to save your life.
--Those who were arrested for breaking the law in order to get you a simple glass of water.
--Your unbelievable family, who fought for your life every step of the way.
--The Bush family, who while recognizing the importance enacting in a 'constitutional' manner, realized that life should always get the benefit of the doubt.
--Those who prayed for your peace of mind, your strength and your RIGHT to life.