Well, sadly to say, the following commandments are necessary at my workplace. Do these even need to be stated? You would think it would be common-sense knowledge, but NO.
- Thou shalt not hold conversations in the public restroom. Come on, people are trying to take care of their business and your talking with a co-worker about childbirth does not make them comfortable or help the "process".
- Thou shalt not congregate in large groups around a copy machine or printer. The same goes for exits to the elevator banks or stairwells.
- Thou shalt not listen to one song, 8 hours a day, every weekday with your computer speakers on. Buy some headphones!
- Keep your cell phone ringer on vibrate or silent. Please. Hearing the elephant waltz every time your spouse calls can be very irritating to others.
- Thou shalt not belch so the entire side of the floor can hear it.
- Thou shalt not return from the restroom and then inform your co-workers about the 'process' (mentioned earlier) you just endured.
- People with loud, constant, and annoying laughs with fast vibratos should not be employed in large companies.
- Thou shalt not call the support center for assistance because you forgot to turn on your computer screen.
- Thou shalt not eat fish or stinky vegetables in your cube. The 2.5 foam filled walls do not enclose the smell!
- Thou shalt not smoke half a pack of cigarettes and then immediately get in a packed elevator. P-U!