Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What to write, what to write....

I want to write. I want to write something of significance, so I'm thinking about putting together a devotional of some sort. It would be based on my own life experiences, what I know about the Bible and what I'm continuing to learn as the days progress. It would absolutely be a long-running project, I wouldn't expect completion of it before three year's time. But if it weren't even published, it would be a great learning tool and an accomplishment I could be proud of. I don't want this to be a small devotional, it would at least be 3-4 pages for every day of the year. My demographic, persay, would not be for people who buy small devotionals to put on their toilets for their guests' quality reading time. This also wouldn't be some kind of systematic theology course. I would want it to fall somewhere in the educational/inspirational/relational/social genre, with a little humor thrown in the mix as well. My aim could lean towards assisting people who have had tough times lately, or continually. Or someone could turn to it to read a story they like. I DON'T KNOW!

The question is, of course, would anyone want or care to read it?

Ideas and assistance, please! I'm going to start a new blog (a scratch pad of sorts) where I (and you) can post topic ideas:
