Saturday, April 16, 2005

By My Cousin

This is a dictation of what my cousin is telling me to type. Just for the heck of it. Here we go, unedited and all -

I don't know what to say
That was a joke
stop typing that!


this is boring

my brother's sweatshirt smells like dog pee

*ringing phone*

Mrs. Rob? Who the heck is that?

Supercalifragalisticexpealidocious, even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you sing it loud enough, you'll really sound petrocious, Supercalifragalisticexpealidocious!

Hmm, I wonder how many letters are in Supercalifragalisticexpealidocious. Is Supercalifragalisticexpealidocious the longest word in the world? Let's count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35!


I always thought it was 32.

See ya, Ellie

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Favorite Movie Quotes

Some of these are paraphrased, as I can't remember the wording exactly. And yes, this is all from my very own memory. Enjoy, and add your favorite movie quotes as well!

From: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail -

"If I went 'round, saying some moistened bing had lobbed a simitar at me, they'd put me away!"

"You're King, eh? Well, I didn't vote for you!"

"There's some lovely filth down here!"

"Are you saying that coconuts migrate?!"

"Your mother was a hamster and your father, smelt of elderberries"

"Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"

"Run away, Run away!"

(Reading a carving on a wall)
"What do you mean, the Castle "AAAARGH"?
Well, he must have died while carving it."

"I'm not dead!......I'm getting better........I think I'll go for a walk........I feel happy, I feel happy!"

Why do witches burn?
Because they're made out of wood?
So how do we tell whether she is a witch?
Build a bridge out of her!

AAH, she turned me into a newt!.........I got better.

I blow my nose at you, sons of a silly person!

What is your favorite color?
Blue! NO! AHHHHH! (while being thrown into the gorge of eternal peril)

Brave Sir Robin ran away... Bravely ran away, away!
No! I didn't!

Greetings to you, Tim the Enchanter

GOD: What are you doing?
ARTHUR: We're averting our eyes, O Lord
GOD: Well don't! Oh it's like those miserable psalms, they're so KNOCK IT OFF!

The Black Knight always triumphs!
Come back here, I'll bite your legs off!

Tis but a scratch!
A Scratch? Your arm's off!
I've had worse
You lie!
Come at me, you pansy!

We want...........A SHRUBBERY!

Then, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest WITH........A HERRING!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Terry-Pt. 2 will soon be here

I know that I've promised to talk more about Terry Schiavo, but as of now - time is of the essence and is concurrently running out! Only 9 more minutes on this library computer. However, I'm in the midst of writing "Terry Pt. 2" and will publish it by next week. It's an infuriating subject for me and much must come out in the open or my head will explode. Feel free to post any comments on that issue here if you wish, and Pt. 2 will be here relatively soon.
Thanks for reading!

Mr. Pope

Crap, I just spent 20 minutes typing up a new post and lost it. IDIOT. So I'll start over with a new one.
Ever hear the saying "You learn something new every day"? Very true. Evidence of that was seen last night. As those of you who don't live in cave already know (If you can hook up the internet in a cave, then I'm very impressed!), Pope John Paul died last week. His funeral was yesterday in Rome. Quite the impressive turnout, as 300,000 pilgrims showed up. Once hearing that the Catholic Basilica in town would have a memorial, I decided that it would probably be a great learning experience to witness that, as I've never been to a Catholic service and had always wanted to see the inside of this building. So it was set that at 8pm on a Friday night, I would participate in the memorial service for Mr. Pope.
WOW. The Basilica was GORGEOUS. Marble, Iron, Gold, Steel, Cement Statues, yellow banners drooping from the ceiling, incredibly ornate and detailed glass windows. Wooden pews with kneeling pads. Words cannot explain how impressive this structure is.
Man, I hope that's the correct website.
I picked a pew near the rear of the church and sat behind this woman who had obviously never been there before. Either that or she's previously not been very observant. She turned her head to look up, down, to the side, and behind. Constantly. I don't blame her though, what a sight! Even people-watching was fun, seeing everyone bow and make the sign of the cross to the front of the church before taking their seat. Guilt trip No. 1. I didn't know to bow or make the sign.
Then just as I was ready for the service to begin, Screaming. No, wait. That was the choir. The first note was so high and sudden it scared me half to death. Once the notes changed though, it was gorgeous. Looking through the program, I could see that much more music would be performed tonight. And indeed there was. And indeed it was spectacular.
Then the procession. At least 30 people came from the front, either just to march, or to hold some object such as a giant cross, some kind of thing that looked like a portable circus tent, a red book with an eagle (which I later learned to contain the entire gospel), and two people were swinging incense back and forth through the aisles. I almost wished that the smoking ban for our County would include over-usage of incense, it was that strong. Guilt trip No. 2. Don't think like that, you're in church!
Then the service begain. It was difficult to understand sometimes. The echo was so present that singing along to hymns was frustrating. Many would sing along with the echo they heard, while the rest would sing to match the beat that organ was playing. It was like a very quick and sloppy round that made no musical sense whatsoever. Even the sermon echoed. Can you imagine trying to decipher "Th-th-this i-i-is i-i-i-in mem-or-or-ri-a-am of Po-po-pe J-j-john Pa-a-a-ul"? Guilt trip No. 3. See guilt trip No. 2.
Then communion, with the 3 prayers and responsive songs beforehand. Once all the music and prayers were finished, one of the priests would take a sip from the cup and bow. Eat bread, bow. Get covered with incense swung by a bystanding priest. Bow. Take the incense and swing it in front of the priest who just swung it in front of you. Bow. Swing the incense in the general direction of the mass in front of you. Bow. Oh yeah, the congregation had to bow with the priests as well. Then you would join a line, take a peice of bread and drink from a common cup. Then once you sat down, you were advised to move the kneeling pad down so you could kneel. Guilt trip No. 4. Didn't know I had to kneel. Man, this place makes you feel continually guilty. I guess that's the point though. We're not worthy to be with God, but we should show our gratitude continually through our gestures during worship.
Then the sing-a-long prayer. Although this time there was no bouncing beach ball over the words. Darn.
Procession (or Recession?)
End of service.
Wow, I've never participating in something like that before. And although I have great respect for the Catholic tradition (from growing up in a Lutheran background), I don't believe that I could ever become a Catholic. Just 1-1/2 hours in church and there were already 4 guilt trips!
Anyway, I know that my description doesn't give the Basilica or Catholicism the recognition it deserves, but I only have an hour on this library computer!