Sunday, April 10, 2005

Favorite Movie Quotes

Some of these are paraphrased, as I can't remember the wording exactly. And yes, this is all from my very own memory. Enjoy, and add your favorite movie quotes as well!

From: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail -

"If I went 'round, saying some moistened bing had lobbed a simitar at me, they'd put me away!"

"You're King, eh? Well, I didn't vote for you!"

"There's some lovely filth down here!"

"Are you saying that coconuts migrate?!"

"Your mother was a hamster and your father, smelt of elderberries"

"Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"

"Run away, Run away!"

(Reading a carving on a wall)
"What do you mean, the Castle "AAAARGH"?
Well, he must have died while carving it."

"I'm not dead!......I'm getting better........I think I'll go for a walk........I feel happy, I feel happy!"

Why do witches burn?
Because they're made out of wood?
So how do we tell whether she is a witch?
Build a bridge out of her!

AAH, she turned me into a newt!.........I got better.

I blow my nose at you, sons of a silly person!

What is your favorite color?
Blue! NO! AHHHHH! (while being thrown into the gorge of eternal peril)

Brave Sir Robin ran away... Bravely ran away, away!
No! I didn't!

Greetings to you, Tim the Enchanter

GOD: What are you doing?
ARTHUR: We're averting our eyes, O Lord
GOD: Well don't! Oh it's like those miserable psalms, they're so KNOCK IT OFF!

The Black Knight always triumphs!
Come back here, I'll bite your legs off!

Tis but a scratch!
A Scratch? Your arm's off!
I've had worse
You lie!
Come at me, you pansy!

We want...........A SHRUBBERY!

Then, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest WITH........A HERRING!!

1 comment:

Sue said...


That's all.