Monday, June 20, 2005

...And Darkness Covered the Earth

Ok, So I'm sitting here checking my e-mail and such and decide to check my blog when all of a sudden, my apartment immediately turns pitch black. I look outside and the clouds are a turquoise. What I originally thought were skateboarders messing around outside turned out to be a continuous stream of thunder that has so far lasted for 10 minutes straight. A minute later, I decide to gather up my courage and witness that the street in front of my building is now a river. Checking, I see that this severe storm has already ripped through the western portion of the states, creating funnel clouds and ripping the roofs off several homes. Currently, the wind is so strong that combined with the rain, its actually visible. The rain sounds as though a bunch of kids are throwing pebbles at my window. Lightening has now arrived and the thunder is so strong that my lamp flickers and the building shakes with every boom. Amazing how a single storm can make you feel so insignificant, hmm?
Okay, I should probably sign off before the electricity cuts out or I get zapped.........ASRTOL;IUJAWERLKJASDFLK;JASDFASJ;L



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