Sunday, March 04, 2007

Not Happy

I got ripped off............BIG TIME.

It's been suggested by a relative that I write a letter of complaint to the company (that shall remain nameless) who sold me the laptop which only had a trial version of Windows Vista (while telling me it was a full-version. Not true) and to the company who mistakenly told me I had to buy a "new users" version of Vista for my laptop, which I did. The only thing, I am not a 'new user' of Vista! And the price difference (that I just discovered today) between a 'new user's' version and the 'upgrade version' I should have bought is over $170! Is this how companies can ethically treat a new customer nowadays? They had all the necessary information to tell me that I didn't need to spend an extra $170, yet they did so anyway. They could tell that this was the first time I had bought my own computer and therefore wasn't familiar with new set-up practices, yet felt it was ok to completely rip me off! And as far as the store that sold me the laptop? They knew this information too! ATO:IUETSL:EKTJO:I@$()*&)(!()!

So I'm in the process of writing two very long and very detailed letters of complaint. Never ever thought that buying a new laptop would cause so many problems.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Niiiice. You should post those letters of complaint so I can laugh at those evil-doers who will soon be facing the wrath of ELLIE.