Thursday, May 26, 2005

Terry - Pt. 2

Well, I told you this would finally be posted. And it only took several months. Argh, I need to get the internet set up on my computer, and quick!

R.I.P., Terry. May I one day be able to forget-

--Those who believed that the persons "for life" were comparable to the Taliban.
--Those who believed that placing suspicious packages outside courtrooms could influence a judicial decision (regardless of what it was).
--The Judges who repeatedly refused to re-insert Terry's tube, because it wasn't "constitutional"
--The liberal media who used their tarnished clout to contort the truth and then air their political stance to all their viewers.

Until then, all I remember the best are

--Those who rallied outside your room in favor to save your life.
--Those who were arrested for breaking the law in order to get you a simple glass of water.
--Your unbelievable family, who fought for your life every step of the way.
--The Bush family, who while recognizing the importance enacting in a 'constitutional' manner, realized that life should always get the benefit of the doubt.
--Those who prayed for your peace of mind, your strength and your RIGHT to life.

hey again

Yeah, I know it's been a while since the last, but I've been busy with stuff. Really! It took me almost 10 minutes to wash my hair the other day. Crazy. Oh yeah, there was also the 'finding a job before my rent is due' bit. So what's going on with you? I'll try and find a topic before my time on here is up. Oops, too late!