Monday, June 20, 2005

...And Darkness Covered the Earth

Ok, So I'm sitting here checking my e-mail and such and decide to check my blog when all of a sudden, my apartment immediately turns pitch black. I look outside and the clouds are a turquoise. What I originally thought were skateboarders messing around outside turned out to be a continuous stream of thunder that has so far lasted for 10 minutes straight. A minute later, I decide to gather up my courage and witness that the street in front of my building is now a river. Checking, I see that this severe storm has already ripped through the western portion of the states, creating funnel clouds and ripping the roofs off several homes. Currently, the wind is so strong that combined with the rain, its actually visible. The rain sounds as though a bunch of kids are throwing pebbles at my window. Lightening has now arrived and the thunder is so strong that my lamp flickers and the building shakes with every boom. Amazing how a single storm can make you feel so insignificant, hmm?
Okay, I should probably sign off before the electricity cuts out or I get zapped.........ASRTOL;IUJAWERLKJASDFLK;JASDFASJ;L



Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Puppy Peave

Why are pets, more specifically, dogs, allowed to be treated, dressed and fed like human beings? Why do some people have this scary obsession which is completely irrelevant to the dog, except in the case for that dog to be horribly spoiled?
A few weeks ago, a dear friend of mine decided to go puppy shopping. After looking online in the classified ads, she saw a specific breed they wanted and decided to drive 6 hours one-way to IOWA for this puppy. Once the puppy was in their possession, she forgot one crucial aspect to having this dog: checking with her apartment manager to see if she could actually have it in her building. After having the dog in her place for over two weeks, she discovered that it was not an option. The apartment manager who lives DIRECTLY above her inevitably discovered the dog and told her she had until noon the next day to get the dog out. So this friend MOVED. INTO ANOTHER BUILDING THAT DOESN'T ACCEPT PETS. The manager for that building decided to give in to her request, so she was extremely lucky in that regard. Ever since that move, the behavior has been shocking.
Why let a puppy drink pop? Why let a dog lick your face after it has licked its genitals for over five minutes? What is the point of leaving someone a phone message to impersonate and bark as your DOG? Why bring your untrained dog into someone's newly carpeted and furnished home, when it could have stayed with a friend who was more than happy to take care of it? This woman's family even threw a 'puppy shower' for this dog. This same family has also admittedly given their pets BAPTISMS. WHY?! A dog cannot tell its own tail apart from another dog's, but apparently it can accept Jesus as its savior and promise to live its own little doggy life in accordance with Christ's. Smart dog, I tell ya.
All I can say up to this point is that if I decide to get a dog, it's name will be "DOG". It will eat the dog food that has been placed in its appropriate dish on the floor and nothing else. It will drink tap water from another dish on the floor. If I have a home at that point, it will sleep outside. Maybe in a dog house, maybe not. You don't see wild dogs living in little wooden homes out in the fields, do you? Who knows, maybe PETA will get on that and create a fundraiser for that purpose alone.
When my dog dies (and it will, people, dogs are not immortal!), there shall be no funeral. I'll use the $ I spent on dog food for the past 13 years or so and save it up to buy a didgeridoo or something.

But I'm not bitter, really!

Saturday, June 18, 2005


It may be the weather, it may be the season, but whatever is going on.... things are weird. It's incredibly warm and freaking humid outside and I hate it. My only wall that faces the outside world is practically a giant window, which in turn is acting like a giant solar panel every morning. My A/C is cranked down to what it says is 45 degrees but is actually at least 75. IT'S HOT! And to show just how weird things have become for me in the last few weeks, here's a recap-

- Bought the new backstreet boys cd, and have already listened to it in it's entirety. Back in the good ol' days of 1997-2000, my bedroom walls were plastered with their posters and magazine cut-outs and had almost every video they ever made and albums from australia and germany and japan.......but now I'm 23. What's going on? And I actually like the new CD! WHOA!

-Cab drivers have taken over my apartment building. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. LITERALLY. They sit, waiting to pounce on the valet guy once he blows his whistle across the street at the Hyatt. They congregate outside the entrance, they stare at everyone who passes. I can't wait until road construction is finished and they move back to their original place a block over.

-I got my dad's 401K check in the mail, amounting to a little under $600. He was alive for 46 years and had a total amount in a 401K of under $1600. Now I can never say that I didn't get anything out of the relationship, but an actual father-daughter relationship would have been nice.

-My friends who live a few blocks over have started to act and speak like puppies. More on that subject in a new post, which shall be entitled "the puppy peave".

-One of my dearest friends from high school was married a couple of weeks ago. this required travel to my hometown of madison. enough said.

Freaking hey, why is everything feeling so wierd?

Catching Up

Wow, it's amazing how the time flies when you're on a break from everything. Job interview after job interview has occurred, but no success yet. I could feel last week that my mood was beginning to falter and perhaps that a little depression had set in. So I did nothing all last week, practically nothing. Granted, I did apply for a few more positions but decided that all of this searching was more draining than inspiring. Thank God for friends. He decided that my reward for calling up a friend to vent and cry had earned the priviledge to a pool party and a fabulous evening with a wonderful family. Then, ironically enough, during this pool party I met several people who offered to be a referral/reference and who would also refer my resume to several open positions in their department. I have a few more interviews this upcoming week and the next. The unemployment office recommended that I get internet access at home and to look at my current job search as an actual job, by putting in at least 30 hours a week for that purpose alone. So today internet access was hooked up and I'm now fully recharged and ready to apply. BRING IT ON!