Friday, May 04, 2007

To All You Telemarketers Out There...

Two days ago, I signed up for the "Do Not Call" list. That means you only have 29 days left to irritate me to the point of going insane. I don't know how you do call every other hour, and only for me. It's like you know that my grandma, the owner of the house you call, has gone on a month-long trip. You NEVER call for her anymore! What's going on?!

And here's a tip....if you mispronounce my name then I'm going to assume you mean someone else and will always tell you that the person you unknowningly ask for (me) is not at home. My last name is not pronounced "Le Whore", as you believe. Yes, it's unfair that it is not a common last name, (which means that the pronunciation is anyone's guess) but it's such a good method to for me to weed out people who DON'T KNOW ME!

You have 29 days and counting. Have fun while you can and if you call after those days are up, expect hell.

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