Saturday, June 18, 2005

Catching Up

Wow, it's amazing how the time flies when you're on a break from everything. Job interview after job interview has occurred, but no success yet. I could feel last week that my mood was beginning to falter and perhaps that a little depression had set in. So I did nothing all last week, practically nothing. Granted, I did apply for a few more positions but decided that all of this searching was more draining than inspiring. Thank God for friends. He decided that my reward for calling up a friend to vent and cry had earned the priviledge to a pool party and a fabulous evening with a wonderful family. Then, ironically enough, during this pool party I met several people who offered to be a referral/reference and who would also refer my resume to several open positions in their department. I have a few more interviews this upcoming week and the next. The unemployment office recommended that I get internet access at home and to look at my current job search as an actual job, by putting in at least 30 hours a week for that purpose alone. So today internet access was hooked up and I'm now fully recharged and ready to apply. BRING IT ON!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Woo-hoo! Go Ellie! And hey...if you ever want to cry and vent to know where I live....